Watering for Summer Sod Installation

Watering your new sod is key to a successful installation and a healthy, vibrant lawn. It’s particularly important in the summer, when the temperatures in the Triangle area are very high on a consistent basic. See below for tips on best practice for watering your new sod in the summer heat.


How to Water New Sod

Sod should be watered at least once per day, though twice is better. They key is to keep the ground beneath the sod moist, but not sloppy wet. What is the easiest way to check if you are watering enough? Peel back a corner of your new sod and touch the ground underneath. Water should have penetrated through the soil layer of the new sod and the ground beneath should be moist and wet.

How Long to Water Each Time

That is hard to say, because it depends on your water pressure and type of sprinkler. A good place to start is 45 minutes if you are watering once per day, or 20 minutes if you are watering twice per day. The key to good watering is to make sure that the soil beneath the sod is staying moist. It will take some trial and error for the first few cycles. The most important thing is not to let the sod completely dry out.

How Much is Too Much Water

If the ground is sloppy wet, it is too much. If the sod has puddles on top, it is too much. If there are streams flowing away from your sod, it is too much.

How Long You Need to Keep This Up

The rule of thumb is every day for a minimum of 2 weeks. After that? It depends on how hot it is and whether your sod is rooted (see more information below).

How To Know if Sod is Rooted and Ready for Normal Watering

First, how does it look? Has it turned to a nice shade of green, or is it still a dull color? If it has turned to a nice green, it is more than likely rooted. To check this, lift a corner of the sod very gently (do not force it). Is it “stuck" to the ground? Perfect, it is rooted! If it lifts up, do you see small roots growing out of the sod down towards the ground? It’s getting there, but keep watering!

What is Normal Watering

Once the sod is ready and rooted in, always continue to water new sod (and any grass) through the hot season. Three times per week will usually suffice, following the same guidelines above under “How Long to Water Each Time”. More specifically, most turf types require one inch of water per week, either through rainfall or irrigation. Purchasing a small rain gauge can help give you a more precise measure of rainfall. If it rains a lot, take a week off!

Email info@tlgturfcare.com for further questions and information.